
Important Announcement Concerning the Second Session of the Translation and Publication Support Programme (TPS) of 2012

Following the drastic cutback with over 30% of the budget of the Romanian Cultural Institute operated by the Romanian Government on 23 August 2012, we are forced to announce the suspension of the second session of the Translation and Publication Support Programme (TPS) (period for applying: 1 September - 20 October 2012). Please stand

Rezultatele primei sesiuni de evaluare din acest an a programului Publishing Romania

Rezultatele primei sesiuni de evaluare din acest an a programului Publishing Romania sunt disponibile pe site, în secțiunea PUBLISHING ROMANIA/ Sesiuni de evaluare.

Open Call for Publishing Romania Applications for Editorial Projects in French

Honneur aux Lettres Roumaines: Romania will be the guest of honour at the Paris International Book Fair – Salon du Livre – in March 2013. Aiming at increasing the number of French publications of works relevant for the Romanian culture, between 1 June 2012 - 1 November 2012, the Romanian Cultural Institute declares an open call for

Open Call for TPS Applications for French Translations of Works Belonging to Romanian Authors

Honneur aux Lettres Roumaines: Romania will be the guest of honour at the Paris International Book Fair – Salon du Livre – in March 2013. Aiming at increasing the number of French translations of Romanian works, the Romanian Cultural Institute declares an open call for applications for the Translation and Publication Support Programme

Evaluation Results of the Applications Submitted within the Open Session Devoted to France of the TPS Programme

The results are now available under the TPS - Subsidised projects section of the website.

The results of the TPS programme - the first session of 2012

The results of this year's first evaluation session of the Translation and Publication Support programme are now available for consultation. They can be found under TPS/Susidized projects.

Scholarships for professional translators 2012

Subsequent to the 25th April 2012 meeting of the jury, having as members Oana Boşca-Mălin, Ioana Both and Luminița Răuț, the grants for professional translators offered by The Romanian Cultural Institute go to ten of the candidates. The results can be viewed here.

România - țară invitată la Salonul Internațional de Carte de la Torino 2012

România va fi, pentru prima oară, ţară invitată de onoare la Salonul Internaţional de Carte de la Torino, cea mai importantă manifestare de profil din Italia. Cea de-a XXV-a ediţie, desfășurată în perioada 10-14 mai 2012, va fi celebrată, tot în premieră, prin prezenţa a două ţări invitate de onoare: România şi Spania,

Scholarships for translators in training, 1st session of 2012

Subsequent to the 11th April 2012 meeting of the jury, having as members Oana Boşca-Mălin, Ioana Gruenwald și Rafael Pisot, the grants for translators in training offered by The Romanian Cultural Institute go to ten of the candidates. The results can be viewed here.

Romania at the London Book Fair 2012

Romania has been a constant presence at the London Book Fair during the last few years. In 2012, we are delighted to announce the highlights celebrating Romanian letters at one of the world’s biggest publishing events. From social poetry inspired by Transylvanian legends, to a quirky anthology of stories and poems revisiting Bucharest, from

Romania at Salon du Livre de Paris 2012

STAND Y66 Paris Porte de Versailles – Pavillon 1 Boulevard Victor, Paris 15ème 16-19 martie 2012 Institutul Cultural Roman reuneste la Salonul Cartii de la Paris, editia 2012 (15-19 martie 2012), scriitori romani si francezi intr-un dialog despre valentele « vagabondajul literar ». Gabriela Adamesteanu, Ioana Bot, Letitia Ilea,

The results of the TPS programme - Second Session of 2011

The results of this year's first evaluation session of the Translation and Publication Support programme are now available for consultation. They can be found under TPS/Susidized projects.

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