
Important Announcement Concerning this Year's Second Session of the Scholarship Programme for Translators in Training

Following the drastic cutback with over 30% of the budget of the Romanian Cultural Institute operated by the Romanian Government on 23 August 2012, we are forced to announce the suspension of this year's second session of the scholarship programme for translators in training.  

Concursul naţional de design de carte „Cele mai frumoase cărţi din România” 2014

Asociaţia pentru Performanţă şi Cultură în parteneriat cu Asociaţia Editorilor din România a lansat Concursul naţional de design de carte, ediţia a III-a. „Cele mai frumoase cărţi” este un proiect cultural cu desfășurare anuală, dedicat designului de carte, dimensiunii artistice a cărţii văzută ca obiect. Proiectul reinstituie

Ateliere polono-române de traducere literară la Călimăneşti

În perioada 23-27 iunie 2014 s-au desfășurat la Călimănești, în România, Atelierele polono-române de traducere literară. Evenimentul, organizat de Institutul Cărţii de la Cracovia, Institutul Polonez din Bucureşti și Institutul Cultural Român a reunit 14 traducători literari din România și Polonia. În decursul celor

The 2014 Call for Applications of the PUBLISHING ROMANIA Programme

The 2014 call for applications of the PUBLISHING ROMANIA Programme will open on 15 April 2014. Applications can be submitted between 15 April - 15 September 2014. For further details, please refer to the updated guidelines of the programme, now available under the PUBLISHING ROMANIA / Conditions section of the web site.

The Results of this Year's Evaluation Session of the TPS Programme

The results of this year's evaluation session of the TPS Programme are now available for consultation. They can be found under TPS / Subsidized projects.

The 2014 Call for Applications of the Translation and Publication Support Programme (TPS)

The 2014 call for applications of the Translation and Publication Support Programme (TPS) will open on 15 April 2014. Applications can be submitted between 15 April - 15 September 2014. For further details, please refer to the updated guidelines of the programme, now available under the TPS / Conditions section of the web site.

The Results of this Year's Evaluation Session of the Publishing Romania Programme

The results of this year's evaluation session of the PUBLISHING ROMANIA Programme are now available for consultation. They can be found under PUBLISHING ROMANIA / Susidized projects.

The Results of this Year's Evaluation Session of the Translation and Publication Support Programme

The results of this year's evaluation session of the Translation and Publication Support Programme (TPS) are now available for consultation. They can be found under TPS / Susidized projects.

400 Titles Published Abroad with the Support of the Romanian Cultural Institute

The number of titles published abroad with the support of the Romanian Cultural Institute through the translation and publication support programmes has exceeded 400 in October 2013.

România, invitată de onoare la Târgul de Carte de la Göteborg 2013

România este, pentru a doua oară în 2013, invitată de onoare la un prestigios târg internațional de carte. După ce, în luna martie, s-a bucurat de acest statut la Salon du Livre de la Paris, în perioada 26-29 septembrie, țara noastră va fi prezentă, în aceeași calitate onorantă, la Târgul de Carte de la Göteborg, cel mai

Important Announcement Concerning the Second Session of the Publishing Romania Programme of 2012

  Following the drastic cutback with over 30% of the budget of the Romanian Cultural Institute operated by the Romanian Government on 23 August 2012, we are forced to announce the suspension of the second session of the Publishing Romania programme (period for applying: 1 September - 20 October 2012). Please stand by for updates.

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