
Translation and Publication Support Programme (TPS) and Publishing Romania „2023 Call Session’’

The Romanian Cultural Institute, through the National Book Center, launches the „2023 Call Session'' for applications within the Translation and Publication Support (TPS) and Publishing Romania financing programmes for translations of Romanian books abroad.„2023 Call Session" is aimed at titles to be published in 2023.The budget of this session is 1 million lei (900 000 lei for Translation and Publication Support Programme and 100 000 lei for PUBLISHING ROMANIA), the funds being granted within the limit of the available budget.An absolute novelty of the current edition consists in the fact that the application files are to be submitted only online, by email (tps@icr.ro | publishingromania@icr.ro).The application files will be received  from February the 1st till  March the 8 2023, in accordance with the schedule presented below. The assessment will be made by a panel of independent experts, selected after a public call for applications.Aimed at foreign publishing houses which intend to publish Romanian books and publications in translation, the two programmes are meant to facilitate the access of international audiences to Romanian culture and to support the presence of Romanian authors and books on the international book markets.CALENDARTPS & Publishing Romania 20231 February 2023The launch of the 2023 TPS & Publishing Romania's call for applications1 day1 February-8 March 2023The submission, by foreign publishers, of the application files, according to the Guidelines of the two financing programmes. This call for applications strictly concerns titles to be published in 2023.5 weeks8 March 2023The final day of the call for applications1 day9-10 March 2023The applications received are being verified by an internal CENNAC committee2 days13 March 2023The candidates are being contacted if their applications are incomplete1 day14-15 March 2023The candidates can supply the missing files to their applications2 days16 March 2023The final assessment of the documents received from the candidates1 day17 March 2023The final list of the eligible applications1 day20-31 March 2023The assessment, by a panel of independent experts, of the eligible applications2 weeks3-7 April 2023The validation of the panel's evaluation, by the Board of Directors of the Romanian Cultural Institute1 week10 April 2023The publicizing of the list of evaluated editorial projects, upon prior validation by the Board of Directors of the Romanian Cultural Institute, on the platforms www.cennac.ro and www.icr.ro1 day11 April-31 May 2023The conclusion of the grant contracts with the winning publishing houses, with 2023 as term for the reimbursement by the Romanian Cultural Institute7 weeksCONTACT:tps@icr.ro | publishingromania@icr.ro

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837 titluri

Мъжъm с едно единствено крило (original title: Omul cu o singură aripă)

Translated by Rumyana Stancheva & Vasilka Aleksova Translation and Publication Support

Program: TPS
Autor: Matei Vișniec
Editura: Balkani 93
Gen: Dramaturgie
Limba: bulgară
Tip apariţie: Carte
An: 2011
Ţara: Bulgaria

Dumitru Țepeneag and the Canon of Alternative Literature (original title: Dumitru Țepeneag și canonul literaturii alternative)

Translated by Alistair Ian Blyth Translation and Publication Support

Program: TPS
Autor: Laura Pavel
Editura: Dalkey Archive Press
Gen: Critică literară
Limba: engleză
Tip apariţie: Carte
An: 2011
Ţara: Statele Unite

Un altro giro, sciamano (original title: Celelalte povești de dragoste)

Translated by Ileana Maria Pop Translation and Publication Support

Program: TPS
Autor: Lucian Dan Teodorovici
Editura: aìsara
Gen: Proză
Limba: italiană
Tip apariţie: Carte
An: 2011
Ţara: Italia

The Vanishing Point that Whistles. An Anthology of Contemporary Romanian Poetry (original title: Antologie de poezie românească contemporană)

Translated by Adam J. Sorkin & Claudia Serea Translation and Publication Support

Program: TPS
Autor: Paul Doru (ed.)
Editura: Talisman House
Gen: Poezie
Limba: engleză
Tip apariţie: Antologie
An: 2011
Ţara: Statele Unite

Pánik szindróma a Fények Városában (original title: Sindromul de panică în Oraşul luminilor)

Translated by Karacsonyi Zsolt Translation and Publication Support

Program: TPS
Autor: Matei Vișniec
Editura: Kalligram
Gen: Proză
Limba: maghiară
Tip apariţie: Carte
An: 2011
Ţara: Slovacia

Bārdasnažu asmeņu nams (original title: Casa din lame de ras)

Translated by Dagnija Dreika Translation and Publication Support

Program: TPS
Autor: Linda Maria Baros
Editura: Daugava
Gen: Poezie
Limba: letonă
Tip apariţie: Carte
An: 2011
Ţara: Letonia

Kayıp Sabah (original title: Dimineaţă pierdută)

Translated by Leyla Ünal Translation and Publication Support

Program: TPS
Autor: Gabriela Adameșteanu
Editura: Yapi Kredi Kültür Sanat Yayincilik
Gen: Proză
Limba: turcă
Tip apariţie: Carte
An: 2011
Ţara: Turcia

Átlátszó sírok (original title: Morminte străvezii)

Translated by Kirilla Terez Translation and Publication Support

Program: TPS
Autor: Dan Stanca
Editura: Napkut Kiado
Gen: Proză
Limba: maghiară
Tip apariţie: Carte
An: 2011
Ţara: Ungaria

A Path to the Sea (original title: Antologie de poezie)

Translated by Liliana Ursu, Adam J. Sorkin & Tess Gallagher Translation and Publication Support

Program: TPS
Autor: Liliana Ursu
Editura: Pleasureboat Studio
Gen: Poezie
Limba: engleză
Tip apariţie: Antologie
An: 2011
Ţara: Statele Unite

Deklica s tisoč gubami (original title: Antologie de poezie)

Translated by Ales Mustar Translation and Publication Support

Program: TPS
Autor: Nora Iuga
Editura: Studentska Zalozba
Gen: Poezie
Limba: slovenă
Tip apariţie: Antologie
An: 2011
Ţara: Slovenia

Lulu (original title: Travesti)

Translated by Marian Ochoa de Eribe Translation and Publication Support

Program: TPS
Autor: Mircea Cărtărescu
Editura: Impedimenta
Gen: Proză
Limba: spaniolă
Tip apariţie: Carte
An: 2011
Ţara: Spania

Ο ΡΟΥΜΑΝΙΚOΣ ΚΟΣΜΟΣ TO 1900 (original title: Viața românească la 1900)

Translated by Ciprian-Lucrețius Suciu Translation and Publication Support

Program: TPS
Autor: Ion Bulei
Editura: Melpomeni Dioti
Gen: Istorie
Limba: greacă
Tip apariţie: Carte
An: 2011
Ţara: Grecia

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